
TARO Reported by China Daily

TARO Reported by Tecent

Taro in CES Asia 2018上海落幕 高颜值黑科技成焦点 (Start from 1′6″)

Top 3 Favorite Camera Items At CES // CES 2018 Camera Tech

TARO Stabilizer Tracking For Smartphones At CES 2018 Las Vegas #CES2018

CES 2018: Crowdfunding Creator Showcase
The BackerKit crew has been at CES 2018 for a few days now meeting dozens of crowdfunding creators. We’ve been getting priceless hands-on time with projects and impressed with the overall crowdfunding presence here. We’ve spent most of our time in the Eureka Park Marketplace located on the lower level of the Sands where the most promising tech pioneers are showcasing and demoing their tech. There’s an overwhelming amount of things to see, and we wanted to share a handful of cool projects that were brought to life through the power of crowdfunding!
Taro's camera stabilizer uses infrared for better tracking
If you want to capture any kind of sports on camera, it's incredibly valuable to have a camera stabilizer that can track the subject's movements for you. That's why many sports videographers have sung the praises of the DJI Osmo gimbal stabilizer, which can do just that -- you tap the person in a companion app, and the Osmo will follow the subject around for you. Except, it doesn't work all of the time. If the person moves too fast or if there's an obstruction, the Osmo will often just lose track. The Taro, however, aims to solve that with a series of new stabilizers that combines both infrared technology and artificial intelligence.
The Taro camera stabilizer tracks your movement to keep you in the frame
Amateur videographers are living in something of a golden age here in 2017. Not only do our cell phones double as 4K digital cameras, while drones let us shoot sweeping Hollywood-style vistas on a shoestring budget. Now, a new self-stabilizing camera tripod promises to eliminate all signs of unintended shakiness from our footage — while permanently keeping its intended target in frame. Called Taro, this so-called “automated camera mate” is a hands-free tracking stabilizer for smartphones and DSLR cameras that uses infrared (IR) and artificial intelligence technology to follow moving targets and make sure that they never stray out of view. Just slap on an IR bracelet and Taro will keep its eye on you wherever you move — a bit like your own personal cameraperson or the world’s most intelligent selfie stick.
TARO Automatic Tracking Stabilizer
Have your very own AI cameraman with the TARO Automatic Tracking Stabilizer. Using TARO, your camera or smartphone automatically generates smooth and stunning footage. Featuring a patented design, TARO uses infrared to offer quick and precise tracking without affecting video quality. Furthermore, TARO’s Dynamic tracking mode enables you to move hands-free without worrying about capturing footage. TARO also provide an ultra-stable experience thanks to three high-torque brushless motors that counteract camera shake. TARO even offers free access to video effects that you can automatically apply to your videos. Additionally, the TARO M1 is a separate tracking module that tracks objects independently and sends the rotation order to stabilizers using Bluetooth. This turns your existing stabilizers into an auto-tracking one. Finally, use the Taro App to edit your videos and create time lapses. TARO starts shipping in May 2018.
Taro Launches World's Most Advanced AI Camera Stabilizer and Tracking Device
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Taro, the manufacturer of hands-free tracking stabilizers for smartphones and DSLR cameras that combines infrared technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to follow moving targets, today launched three revolutionary products at CES 2018. The Taro T1 for smartphones, the Taro TX for DSLRs and the Taro M1 infrared tracking module, all of which are now available for pre-order pricing at nearly half the price of competing systems. To view the demo models, visit Taro in the Sands Expo Level 1, Hall G, Eureka Park at booth #52473. The secret to Taro's tracking lies in the combination of a flickering sequential infrared tag and tracking module that contains an infrared camera, which works in tandem to rapidly identify which part of the frame is integral to a dynamic action sequence.
Taro Launches World's Most Advanced AI Camera Stabilizer and Tracking Device

The Taro T1 is a DSLR and phone stabilizer thats powered by AI
When you think of smartphone stabilizers, your mind most likely jumps to DJI’s Osmo or a Steadicam-like device, but there is a new entry at the 2018 CES. Taro a company who has previously made stabilizers has the new T1. Which is a stabilizer for DSLR’s and smartphones alike that is power by Artificial Intelligence or AI, along with some infrared technology on board. What makes the Taro T1 unique would be the stabilizer itself and the optional infrared tracking module. As it uses a sequential infrared tag and an infrared camera that tracks the environment or movements and then adjusts accordingly. The Taro can follow objects at up to 50 miles per hour, which is pretty impressive for a product like this and allows it to be used in a plethora of scenarios. And artificial intelligence is working behind the scenes to identify movement and then to adjust the shot.
Taro, the Automated “Camera-Mate” with Auto-Tracking & Stabilizing Infrared Technology, Launches on Kickstarter
Touted as every film maker's “automated camera mate,” Taro, the hands-free tracking stabilizer for smartphones and DSLR cameras that combines infrared technology and artificial Intelligence (AI) to follow moving targets, today launched on Kickstarter. The Taro smartphone ($199) and DSLR ($599) kits are now available as well its tracking module ($99), which can be used with existing Bluetooth stabilizers and updated with Taro’s auto-tracking technology. “In developing Taro, we’ve essentially designed a robot that operates your camera just like a real cameraman could,” said Taro founder, Hao Qian. Qian says the secret to Taro’s tracking lies in the combination of a flickering sequential infrared tag and tracking module that contains an infrared camera, which work in tandem to rapidly identify which part of the frame is integral to a dynamic action sequence.
stabilizer means you don't have to bug your friends to take videos of you anymore
"Sport mode" is a camera feature that's been around forever, but it still seems like companies can't get the hang of tracking that doesn't involve an obnoxious amount of blurriness. Though we could all ride Segways to film fast-moving objects, shouldn't there be a more efficient way to capture movement? Enter Taro: a camera stabilizer and auto-tracker that wants to act as your own personal cameraman. SEE ALSO: This DSLR camera has 'food mode' and it's $300 off at Target today Recently launched on Kickstarter, Taro brings a whole new meaning to "sport mode." Now you can capture or film yourself playing sports, dancing, skateboarding, etc. — anything you've always wanted to film but could never quite figure out how. Just stand in front of Taro for a second and the tracking module (composed of an infrared camera) and a flickering sequential infrared tag will pick up your body's movements and make sure you're always in frame.
動画撮影の需要が高まるにつれて、カメラだけでなくスマホも装着できるスタビライザーがいくつも登場している。手ブレを抑えて安定感のある動画撮影を可能にするスタビライザーに、なんと自動追尾機能まで搭載した「Taro」が登場した。 「Taro」は、赤外線タグと赤外線カメラを搭載した追跡モジュール「Taro M1」によって、迅速かつ正確な追尾を可能にした。追尾するための準備は、被写体に赤外線タグを搭載したリストバンドを取り付ける、たったそれだけだ。 毎秒30回の高速赤外線追跡アルゴリズムにより、最高で時速100kmまでの被写体を追尾できるとのこと。F1レーシングカーをとらえることはできないが、動きの激しいスポーツシーンなどでは、シャッターチャンスを逃すことはないはずだ。 また、被写体を追尾する「Taro」を固定して撮影すれば、1人で自撮り動画も撮影できるようになっている。
Taro TX Is A Handheld Gimbal With Auto-Tracking Powers
There’s no shortage of handheld gimbals in the market for both smartphone cameras and dedicated shooters alike. All of them can help you get stabilized footage, no matter how much you move during shoots. The Taro TX, however, will do more than that, as it integrates auto-tracking technology that allows the gimbal to move the camera autonomously in order to keep a subject in frame. That’s right, this camera will follow a subject on its own, removing the need to manually move the gimbal to properly track a shot. Not only does it save you from extra work while carrying the camera, it also means you can leave the whole thing on a tripod, sit back, and still get a properly-framed action shot. Heck, you can even have it track you if that’s what the scene requires.
Taro, a new auto subject tracker and stabilizer, employs infrared technology to help your camera keep tracking subjects when they disappear from view. Designed for use with smartphones or traditional interchangeable lens cameras, Taro works by connecting your camera to the device and selecting your subject. Taro then uses an AI-based infrared tracking algorithm that performs 30 calculations per second, making it possible to track objects moving as fast as 50 miles per hour, its developers claim. For comparison, a typical smartphone can perform a maximum of two calculations per second.
比普通三脚架更稳,比普通自拍杆更智能。 大家都知道,拍摄运动人像是个技术活儿,因为这类照片实在太容易糊了。每次当你对好焦,满心欢喜地跟别人说“开始”,接着用手按下快门键的时候,然后就发现照片中的人虚虚晃晃,模糊不清。 但拍摄时如果有相机稳定器的话,照片就会清晰很多。不过普通的相机伴侣也存在一个问题,它很容易跟丢正在移动的对象。尤其是当我们穿过某个拐角或者从阴影处出来之后,之前还锁定在自己身上的镜头突然就不跟着人动了,这样的话就无法保证我们一直在镜头内。
Taro uses infrared technology and AI for improved subject tracking
Conventional tracking systems tend to struggle when the tracked subject briefly exits the frame or disappears behind another object. The new Taro auto-tracker and stabilizer tackles this problem with infrared technology. Users connect their smartphones, DSLR cameras or existing Bluetooth stabilizers to Taro and select the target they want to track. Taro will then follow the target using an AI-based infrared tracking algorithm that performs 30 calculations per second. According to the Taro team, this allows for tracking of objects that are moving as fast as 50 MPH.
Taro VR relaunched as Taro AI auto-tracking gimbal for smartphones and cameras
Taro AI is a new gimbal that can automatically track subjects using infrared signals. A few months ago, I talked about TaroVR, a mysterious product for capturing spherical 360 photos. They had approached me about their prototype product. At that time, the concept was to create a smartphone gimbal that could automatically rotate the phone to take detailed fully spherical 360 photos. It looked promising, but I couldn’t tell you about it except to ask you guys to watch for it. Well, Taro is now here but the concept has completely changed. Taro VR is now Taro AI, a line of gimbals for smartphones, action cameras, and DSLRs that uses infrared to track subjects automatically. Here is the new concept...
The Taro camera stabilizer tracks your movement to keep you in the frame
Amateur videographers are living in something of a golden age here in 2017. Not only do our cell phones double as 4K digital cameras, while drones let us shoot sweeping Hollywood-style vistas on a shoestring budget, but a new self-stabilizing camera tripod now promises to eliminate all signs of unintended shakiness from our footage — while permanently keeping its intended target in frame. Called Taro, the so-called “automated camera mate” is a hands-free tracking stabilizer for smartphones and DSLR cameras, which uses infrared (IR) and artificial intelligence technology to follow moving targets and make sure that they never stray out of view. Just slap on an IR bracelet and Taro will keep its eye on you wherever you move — a bit like your own personal cameraperson or the world’s most intelligent selfie stick.
Taro DSLR And Smartphone Camera Stabilisation Gimbal
Photographers searching for a portable auto tracking and stabilisation system may be interested in a new piece of hardware created by Taro Tech based in Los Angeles, California. Taro is a new system which has been designed to control your camera whether it be a smartphone or larger DSLR as if it were a cameraman combining infrared technology, artificial intelligence and more say it’s creators. Watch the demonstration video below to learn more about the Taro which is already raised its required pledge goal with still 44 days remaining on its campaign. The development team explain more about the inspiration and technology incorporated into the Taro camera stabilisation system.
Taro Tracking Stabilizer for Smartphones Automatically Follows Moving Targets
Meet Taro: a hands-free tracking stabilizer for smartphones and DSLR cameras that uses IR and smart software to follow moving targets. It consists of an infrared tag and an IR camera to establish the target’s location instantaneously. Its learning algorithm ensures better tracking. Taro T1 has 3 brushless motors for smooth video capture. It is ready for sporting events, time-lapses, and other challenging shots. Taro make it possible to track objects moving as fast as 50 miles per hour.
Taro Tracking Camera Stabilizer
Taro’s eponymous handheld gimbals will not only help you get smooth and stable footage. Together with an infrared-emitting wristband, it can automatically track objects, even if they’re moving as fast as 50mph or if they break the line of sight.
Combining infrared technology and artificial intelligence means Taro can rapidly identify movement, action and keep all the excitement in-frame LOS ANGELES (PRWEB) November 06, 2017 Touted as every film maker’s “automated camera mate,” Taro, the hands-free tracking stabilizer for smartphones and DSLR cameras that combines infrared technology and artificial Intelligence (AI) to follow moving targets, today launched on Kickstarter. The Taro smartphone ($199) and DSLR ($599) kits are now available as well its tracking module ($99), which can be used with existing Bluetooth stabilizers and updated with Taro’s auto-tracking technology. “In developing Taro, we’ve essentially designed a robot that operates your camera just like a real cameraman could,” said Taro founder, Hao Qian.
Taro Your Robot Cameraman
There is no getting away from images and video these days, but perfection is something that takes time and care. The trouble is in a busy world getting a retake just because you were too slow or out of focus is not normally an option, unless you get yourself some help. With camera equipment being a bit pricey, there are few options available. But before you give up, check out the Taro! This is something that is well worth a look as it combines infrared technology with AI to produce a robotic cameraman. Auto-tracking is super-useful when filming outdoor sports like skateboarding, parkour, skiing, basketball, or tennis. However, tracking a fast-moving target against a dynamically-shifting background makes it practically impossible for tracking technologies to work properly. Until now, that is. Taro is proud to introduce a breakthrough product that automatically rotates and tracks your target, making it possible to free up your hands and put yourself squarely in the frame to accurately capture all the action – effortlessly!